We're having a baby!!!

Most of you know by now, we're pregnant! This is a very exciting time for the two of us as we can't wait to start a family! As we count down the days (due in January) we thought we would extend our excitement to you by publishing this blog, which we hope will not only keep you up-to-speed with the progress of Melinda's belly but also act as an outlet for all of the stories that we are sure to experience as we come closer and closer to bringing little Leonardo into the world. Please share your excitement and/or advice by posting blogs of your own.

...here we go:)

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Own Personal Pumpkin!

PUMPKINS GALORE!! It's that time of year! And I am one of the lucky few to have my own personal "pumpkin" right here with me for the season! :)
As Halloween nears and my belly continues to expand, I wonder if I should consider decorating my personal pumpkin...it's perfectly round, and ideal for a toothy grin...now I'll just have to figure out where to attach a stem?!
FYI...I'm not the size of the pumpkins below just yet!

(Family prepare for Christmas when I very well may be! :))

1 comment:

gdc said...

I thoroughly have enjoyed "watching" your pregnancy. I can't wait for your arrival either. You are going to be a great Mommy.

I am just afraid that baby won't be able to relax with you yelling its name all of the time! j/k