We're having a baby!!!

Most of you know by now, we're pregnant! This is a very exciting time for the two of us as we can't wait to start a family! As we count down the days (due in January) we thought we would extend our excitement to you by publishing this blog, which we hope will not only keep you up-to-speed with the progress of Melinda's belly but also act as an outlet for all of the stories that we are sure to experience as we come closer and closer to bringing little Leonardo into the world. Please share your excitement and/or advice by posting blogs of your own.

...here we go:)

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Elephant Ears and Corndogs

Well...not for Mommy, but Daddy sure did enjoy them! The North Carolina State Fair was in town so we wanted to introduce you to all the noise, flashing lights, and favorite foods we wait for all year :).
I think the animals will be your favorites, especially the cows! Or maybe the piglets?!

Daddy can't wait to introduce you to HIS favorite...the corn on the cob!

Daddy's First Project

Dear Sweet Pea,
I thought you would enjoy seeing your Daddy's success in his very first "Baby Building" project. We received your high chair from a very sweet friend of Mommy's and Daddy was so excited that he decided to put it together that evening.

Your high chair now stands proudly in wait for you in the corner of our breakfast nook. And your big brother Stanford anxiously awaits your use of the chair (and NOT the tray...all "extra" food can be tossed to the floor for cleaning purposes :)).
Great job Daddy! Just wait til you see the magic he's creating in your nursery! :) We can't wait for you to be here!!!

The Most Gorgeous Baby Shower

Never before has Baby Leonardo (and Mommy) been surrounded by so much love and so many amazing women all in one space at one time!
Adelle and Stephanie hosted the most gorgeous baby shower I have ever attended and helped make the most wonderful memories for Mom-to-be and for our Sweet Pea (who kicked nearly the entire shower out of sheer joy! :)) Thank you to Adelle, Stephie, Grandma Munchkin, Bing, AM, and Jess for making Saturday such a special day. I love you all so very much! From the baby cupcakes to the precious wood baby hangers decorated and signed with love by all of the ladies, to the sage green and light brown favor cradle and (Adelle you are amazing!) every detail was breathtaking and perfect!
Thank you also to all who traveled from near and far. Your love, friendship, encouragement, and support throughout my entire life has led me through so many amazing life adventures and this next step was not complete without sharing the excitement with you all!

With the amazing gifts we received Mommy and Daddy are ready more now then ever for the arrival of our little Sweet Pea. Thank you once again to everyone for all of your advice, support and LOVE!

Ode to Super Ute

Before the 10 months of baby growing is completed I feel compelled to honor my uterus on this baby blog. If it weren't for this beautiful (and amazing) organ this blog would never have come to exist!
Many of you may (or may not) know about the surgery I had last fall and the extreme trauma that was forced upon my uterus to remove six massive tumors. My uterus and I formed a very special relationship over that ordeal and despite being told I would most likely have a very difficult time conceiving (if at all) my SUPER UTE (as I have lovingly come to call it :)) came through not only the surgery but a painstaking recovery and now more then 7 months of baby growing. The power of a body's resilience leaves me speechless!
My family had previously named my uterus Scar Ute (thank you brothers! :)) but from here forward the amazing organ only deserves the utmost respect. I'm chalking up this incredible journey to lots of long pep talks and an incredible thing called Piciulo genes. For those of you who know the Piciulo line of women from whom I have descended you KNOW that I only speak the truth.
So I raise my glass (of apple cider of course!) to my wonderful uterus and all it has done over the last year. My words of thanks can't truly express my deepest gratitude!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Own Personal Pumpkin!

PUMPKINS GALORE!! It's that time of year! And I am one of the lucky few to have my own personal "pumpkin" right here with me for the season! :)
As Halloween nears and my belly continues to expand, I wonder if I should consider decorating my personal pumpkin...it's perfectly round, and ideal for a toothy grin...now I'll just have to figure out where to attach a stem?!
FYI...I'm not the size of the pumpkins below just yet!

(Family prepare for Christmas when I very well may be! :))


Dear Baby Leonardo,In case it isn't obvious by Mommy's euphoria every time we are outside, welcome to her most FAVORITE time of year! Cool, crisp nights and beautiful sunny days...and although you can't see it yet, I'll describe all of the gorgeous colors for you and can't wait to show you everything this time next year.
We took Baby Leonardo to the Adirondacks to visit with Grandma and Grandpa. You made them VERY happy kicking like crazy whenever they would rub Mommy's tummy! There is no more beautiful place on this earth then our wonderful 4th Lake and Adirondack Mountains...Mommy and Daddy feel like we're in heaven when we're there. And it was our first chance to get cozy by a fire (thanks Grandpa!).
We loved the boat rides on the lake and getting to see Uncle Pauly and Aunt Diane too!!
You were kicking away when we took you down to the lake to play with Brother Stanford so Daddy had to get a picture of you with the mountains in the background. We love you more then anything little one!!!

Baking with "Martha Stewart"

Cousin Jennifer (aka Martha Stewart! :) came to visit Baby Leonardo and taught Mommy and Baby how to bake a real apple pie from scratch. Gotta love early mornings at the Farmer's Market for those perfect apples too! And of course we had to throw in some butter flavored Crisco for the best chocolate chip cookies EVER created! Cousin Jennifer should come and stay with us more often!! Lots of love and full tummies for a very wonderful weekend!!
And Baby says thank you again for his/her first bunny book! :)