We're having a baby!!!

Most of you know by now, we're pregnant! This is a very exciting time for the two of us as we can't wait to start a family! As we count down the days (due in January) we thought we would extend our excitement to you by publishing this blog, which we hope will not only keep you up-to-speed with the progress of Melinda's belly but also act as an outlet for all of the stories that we are sure to experience as we come closer and closer to bringing little Leonardo into the world. Please share your excitement and/or advice by posting blogs of your own.

...here we go:)

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Monday, December 15, 2008

Another Daddy Accomplishment!

Daddy is very proud to have made you your bouncing boppy chair little sweet pea! He's getting very good at putting all kinds of things together to be ready for you!
We can't wait to see you!!!! Only 4 more weeks and you'll be here! :) We love you!

Time to Decorate for Christmas

Not only are we getting ready for Baby but now it's time to get ready for our favorite time of year...Christmas! What a beautiful tree and Stanford is thrilled to help decorate. We're almost ready for the family to arrive :) Yeah Christmas!!!!

Our Babymoon :)

Daddy gave Mommy a wonderful surprise and took her on a Babymoon....our last little trip together before baby arrives. We visited the gorgeous Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC and got to enjoy the beautiful Christmas decorations and festivities. Lots of hot chocolate and perfectly adorable restaurants in the historic district of Asheville. It was a wonderfully relaxing weekend!! Thank you Daddy!!


Dear little sweet pea,
Your mommy and daddy just want you to know how much we love you and can't wait to meet you. This has been such an exciting adventure for us and as we watch you roll over, push your head up, kick your feet out, and do acrobatics in mommy's tummy we just can't get over how much pride we feel for who you are! One of the best days of our lives will be meeting you in just a couple of months. Know that when we rub mommy's belly and pat your little head (or bottom) that's always sticking up :) we are loving you more and more every day!
Mommy and Daddy (and Stanford too)

Just a little practice....

Sooo....Mommy and Daddy have read that you should "practice" with a baby doll around the dog so that they become accustomed to you holding something, talking and singing, etc. Since we DO this with our own dog (the holding and singing part) we figured it might be a good idea for him to see that we will be doing this soon with another little one. So Daddy bought a baby and Mommy captured him on camera teaching Big Brother Stanford how it's going to be come January. **Note Stanford's look of sheer confusion towards his mother behind the camera :).
We know you'll "understand" soon Babooshka and we know you'll be the best big brother ever!


Dear Baby,
The whole Leonardo family can't wait to meet you...especially your two sweet nieces Josephine and Eleanor. We had so much fun cooking, eating, playing at the park, eating some more :), and being with our wonderful family on Thanksgiving! Mommy can't hide you under her apron anymore :) and I know you smelled those artichoke hearts!

Daddy did a great job cutting his first turkey! We can't wait to celebrate one of our favorite holidays with our own little one this time next year. So much fun to show you and so many wonderful people to love you!!

Grandma Messmer is Comin' to Town!

Little one,
As if you didn't already know by the smells of Christmas cookies and spaghetti....Grandma Messmer is here to visit and make lots of yummy food for Mommy, Daddy, and Baby too. She is helping us get ready for all the fun we're going to have on Christmas. She can't wait to meet you!!
And thank you to Grandma for helping Mommy wash ALL of Baby's clothes and blankets and get even more done for the nursery. Those little socks were out favorites :)

Creating Baby's Nursery

Time to put all of our baby nursery imaginations to work! Daddy spent a LOT of time making the nursery just PERFECT for Baby! He painted, put up a chair railing, and hung curtains for Mommy - all under the watchful eye of Stanford. Daddy sure is wonderful!! Mommy tried to help with the curtains but Stanford was more interested in cuddling. Oh Stanford!

We'll show you the final product of Daddy's hard work a little later, little one. We know you'll love it! It is GORGEOUS and just waiting for our little sweet pea!

Halloween in the Leonardo Clan

Dear Baby,
Just think...next year Mommy and Daddy will be as excited to dress you up as we are to dress up your big brother Stanford! :) He was not only an Ewok for Halloween this year but then decided he would also spend half the night as a Notre Dame quarterback. Daddy was very proud!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Elephant Ears and Corndogs

Well...not for Mommy, but Daddy sure did enjoy them! The North Carolina State Fair was in town so we wanted to introduce you to all the noise, flashing lights, and favorite foods we wait for all year :).
I think the animals will be your favorites, especially the cows! Or maybe the piglets?!

Daddy can't wait to introduce you to HIS favorite...the corn on the cob!

Daddy's First Project

Dear Sweet Pea,
I thought you would enjoy seeing your Daddy's success in his very first "Baby Building" project. We received your high chair from a very sweet friend of Mommy's and Daddy was so excited that he decided to put it together that evening.

Your high chair now stands proudly in wait for you in the corner of our breakfast nook. And your big brother Stanford anxiously awaits your use of the chair (and NOT the tray...all "extra" food can be tossed to the floor for cleaning purposes :)).
Great job Daddy! Just wait til you see the magic he's creating in your nursery! :) We can't wait for you to be here!!!

The Most Gorgeous Baby Shower

Never before has Baby Leonardo (and Mommy) been surrounded by so much love and so many amazing women all in one space at one time!
Adelle and Stephanie hosted the most gorgeous baby shower I have ever attended and helped make the most wonderful memories for Mom-to-be and for our Sweet Pea (who kicked nearly the entire shower out of sheer joy! :)) Thank you to Adelle, Stephie, Grandma Munchkin, Bing, AM, and Jess for making Saturday such a special day. I love you all so very much! From the baby cupcakes to the precious wood baby hangers decorated and signed with love by all of the ladies, to the sage green and light brown favor cradle and (Adelle you are amazing!) every detail was breathtaking and perfect!
Thank you also to all who traveled from near and far. Your love, friendship, encouragement, and support throughout my entire life has led me through so many amazing life adventures and this next step was not complete without sharing the excitement with you all!

With the amazing gifts we received Mommy and Daddy are ready more now then ever for the arrival of our little Sweet Pea. Thank you once again to everyone for all of your advice, support and LOVE!

Ode to Super Ute

Before the 10 months of baby growing is completed I feel compelled to honor my uterus on this baby blog. If it weren't for this beautiful (and amazing) organ this blog would never have come to exist!
Many of you may (or may not) know about the surgery I had last fall and the extreme trauma that was forced upon my uterus to remove six massive tumors. My uterus and I formed a very special relationship over that ordeal and despite being told I would most likely have a very difficult time conceiving (if at all) my SUPER UTE (as I have lovingly come to call it :)) came through not only the surgery but a painstaking recovery and now more then 7 months of baby growing. The power of a body's resilience leaves me speechless!
My family had previously named my uterus Scar Ute (thank you brothers! :)) but from here forward the amazing organ only deserves the utmost respect. I'm chalking up this incredible journey to lots of long pep talks and an incredible thing called Piciulo genes. For those of you who know the Piciulo line of women from whom I have descended you KNOW that I only speak the truth.
So I raise my glass (of apple cider of course!) to my wonderful uterus and all it has done over the last year. My words of thanks can't truly express my deepest gratitude!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Own Personal Pumpkin!

PUMPKINS GALORE!! It's that time of year! And I am one of the lucky few to have my own personal "pumpkin" right here with me for the season! :)
As Halloween nears and my belly continues to expand, I wonder if I should consider decorating my personal pumpkin...it's perfectly round, and ideal for a toothy grin...now I'll just have to figure out where to attach a stem?!
FYI...I'm not the size of the pumpkins below just yet!

(Family prepare for Christmas when I very well may be! :))


Dear Baby Leonardo,In case it isn't obvious by Mommy's euphoria every time we are outside, welcome to her most FAVORITE time of year! Cool, crisp nights and beautiful sunny days...and although you can't see it yet, I'll describe all of the gorgeous colors for you and can't wait to show you everything this time next year.
We took Baby Leonardo to the Adirondacks to visit with Grandma and Grandpa. You made them VERY happy kicking like crazy whenever they would rub Mommy's tummy! There is no more beautiful place on this earth then our wonderful 4th Lake and Adirondack Mountains...Mommy and Daddy feel like we're in heaven when we're there. And it was our first chance to get cozy by a fire (thanks Grandpa!).
We loved the boat rides on the lake and getting to see Uncle Pauly and Aunt Diane too!!
You were kicking away when we took you down to the lake to play with Brother Stanford so Daddy had to get a picture of you with the mountains in the background. We love you more then anything little one!!!

Baking with "Martha Stewart"

Cousin Jennifer (aka Martha Stewart! :) came to visit Baby Leonardo and taught Mommy and Baby how to bake a real apple pie from scratch. Gotta love early mornings at the Farmer's Market for those perfect apples too! And of course we had to throw in some butter flavored Crisco for the best chocolate chip cookies EVER created! Cousin Jennifer should come and stay with us more often!! Lots of love and full tummies for a very wonderful weekend!!
And Baby says thank you again for his/her first bunny book! :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Our Very Favorite Evenings

For Mommy and Daddy there is nothing more wonderful then a quiet evening, sitting with big brother-to-be Stanford, and feeling our little one dance around in Mommy's belly. Without a word you bring us true and utter happiness already; our little family of four!
Your Daddy loves you so much sweet pea and is always rubbing Mommy's baby belly, talking to you and telling you all kinds of stories. Your favorite bed time story so far is your new "Notre Dame First Words" book he reads to you at night. :)
We are so excited to meet you in 4.5 months. We love every little kick you send and we send hugs and kisses right back.

First Notre Dame Tailgate

Daddy didn't think it was quite authentic enough to just have you listening to the Notre Dame fight song on cd so he decided to take you to your very first ND football game (and tailgate of course!).

Mommy decked out the Baby Belly in her favorite ND football fashion (shamrock tattoos always :)) and Uncle Michael and Aunt Anne Marie got to share a burger (or two :)) with you while Daddy and Uncle Michael threw the football.

Mommy and Daddy know you're going to be a football fan because you kicked like crazy every time our team scored a touchdown! Or maybe it was Mommy's excitement in being only two feet away from the players on the field (thanks for the field level tickets Daddy! Always doing it up in style! :))

Mommy and Daddy prayed for you little one at the Grotto and got a special hug from Father Thomas who loves you already! We can't wait to show you this very special place someday soon!

Cheers, cheers for old Notre Dame!!!!

Two Weddings and a Hurricane

Baby Leonardo has now attended two weddings and lived through a hurricane :) He/she has loved the cake but not so much the heels (or maybe that's just Mommy talking :))

Uncle Marky's wedding in June when Sweet Pea was only 12 weeks old and Mom's friend Meredith's wedding down in Key West, FL when he/she was 20 weeks old.

Baby Leonardo loved the sounds of the wind and rain from Hurricane Gustav while we were in Key West (even though it was scary for mom and dad!)
Thank goodness we're back on dry land!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Cheese and Mustard Sandwich

Woke up this morning and instantly needed...HAD TO HAVE... a cheese and mustard sandwich.
If that's not the breakfast of champions, I don't know what is!
Since Mommy has never even considered a cheese and mustard sandwich before she will assume Baby Leonardo is celebrating its Rockette style dance kicks/moves with a "special" treat.
FYI sandwich was SOOOO good and yellow mustard was SO particularly tasty that Mommy nearly ate it directly from the squeeze bottle....maybe tomorrow morning! :)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Kickin It!

Soooo, Mommy is sitting in her first Ph.D. class last Wednesday, August 20, 2 hours in to a VERY long evening when suddenly, without warning, she receives a swift boot to the inside of her uterus!
No mistaking this one folks! Baby Leonardo made his/her lack of interest in the rhetoric of new media quite obvious!
It was AMAZING! I could actually feel the little one's heel when he/she booted me one more time just for emphasis. :)
Baby and I shared some wonderful bonding moments the next night when he/she decided to talk to me using their little feet again while I was lying in bed watching tv. Some of the kicks were so hard that my hand would move!
But the best part by far was when Daddy got home...we had a spaghetti dinner and then there it was...a little kick to get started. Mommy quickly lied down on the floor and Daddy put his head down on her belly. Without hesitation, as if sweet pea was patiently waiting for him to arrive, Daddy then received his very first kick to the head from Baby :)
No joke, this baby is so strong (or at the very least so close to the surface of my tummy) that when he/she kicked Daddy he got a little "thud" on his cheekbone. (Mommy and Daddy's little soccer star already!)
Everyone has been talking about how cool it would be when the baby starts moving and that really doesn't even come close to describing just how darn awesome it is!!
Now, I wait each day for those little kicks and just sit there and smile. Baby and Mommy are just "kickin it" together, having a long conversation that no one else can hear :) (except if they're brave enough to put their head down there and wait...)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Layettes and Teethers and Bottles OH MY

So although many of you have already heard our comedic stories on registering for Baby Leonardo we thought we'd add it to our blog just for Baby's records... so he/she can look back 30 years from now when they're registering for their own babies (yikes that seems impossible to imagine right now!) and know they're not crazy when they're ready to cry in the bottle aisle!
Sam and I are very comfortable with babies and baby items. We have enough young cousins, nieces, and friends with young babies to have what we consider to be a firm grasp on the basics for what is needed for raising a baby.

And then we entered the world known as Babies R Us........

This picture was taken at the registry desk where we received all kinds of free goodies :) and BEFORE we entered the Bottle Zone :) (Yes, Mommy takes the camera EVERYWHERE to document our new adventure!)

No one ever told us there would be 42 options for bottles or newborn pacifiers that are orthodontically correct (wait, newborns don't have teeth do they??). And no one told us that someone would stop us in the aisle near the organic crib mattresses and inform us that even "organic" might mean they're still using the same chemicals they use in roach killer in the inner, inner padding below the springs. If the mattress is dangerous why is a baby store selling it??

The good news is that your Daddy (thank goodness for his level thinking to counteract Mommy's overwhelmed hormones!) reminded us that when we were kids we drank out of the hose in the backyard when we were playing outside and needed a drink and we ended up ok.
So we've decided that your Pack N Play might not have the latest digital hook-ups for your Ipod...(kind of not joking here which is why this whole experience is SO scary!) but we think you'll be a better person for it. And in the meantime, Daddy will continue to spend most of his time in the toy aisle picking out the very coolest water sounds display for your nighttime enjoyment. :)
Thank goodness we ended the day with Target for the rest of your goodies!!! :)

18 Week Sonogram

Dear Baby Leonardo,
You amaze Mommy and Daddy more then anything!
We saw you today on camera and are so proud of all your fingers, toes, bones, strong heart, and EVERYTHING!

The doctor's camera even showed us all four chambers of your heart, your entire spine, the arteries leading from the umbilical cord to you, and all the strong bones in your legs and arms. We even got to look up your little button nose (hee, hee!).

We know you've got quite the personality already because when Daddy started talking to the doctor you lifted your arm and gave him a big high five right on the camera! The doctor took a picture for us just before you pulled your hand away :). It looks like you love your Daddy's voice as much as Mommy does!
We also loved how you mooned us with your little rump every time the doctor tried to look at your lower half. I know you were listening when we told everyone we don't want to know if you're a boy or a girl. You're super smart already! :)
And we loved when you got bored with all the hoopla and put your arm over the top of your head, posing and looking straight at us. Mommy and Daddy could look at our little sweet pea ALL day!
Keep growing strong little one. We love you SO very much!

PS. We've got a series of amazing pictures from the sonogram but I'm afraid one of my doctor brothers will be able to see something we can't see and accidentally slip with the surprise. So for now all they get is the hand :)

Learning the ND Fight Song

At 4.5 months (18 weeks!!) with almost fully developed ears we figured now would be an excellent time to formally introduce the Notre Dame fight song and other ND classics (including the Rudy Soundtrack :)) to Baby Leonardo.

Your great Grandpa, Grandpa, and your Daddy are all Domers and maybe one day you will be too! :)

Only one more week for college football and Daddy can't wait to watch his beloved ND games with you sweet pea (this is the perfect reason for Mommy to watch too!). He makes sure you're listening to the ND cd's every night while he is home. I think you might come out singing one of these songs at this rate or maybe even dancing the Irish jog... :) Go Irish! Go Baby Leonardo!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

A Father's Wish

Dear Baby - If at all possible, and only under healthy circumstances, please consider surfacing on December 31st of this year so that your mom and dad can take the dependency tax deduction. If you can't manage this, we're still very, very proud of you. Love Dad

Monday, August 11, 2008

Coughlin or Phelps in the Making??

For at least 6 weeks now I think I've felt the baby moving.

Doctor March says it's probably impossible that I would feel it that early (it was right around 12 weeks) but he also said I might not be able to get pregnant...he's VERY happy when he's wrong in my case! :)

Everyone keeps telling me that when I do officially feel Baby moving it might feel like a "flutter" but I wouldn't describe what I feel as a flutter. It's more like a big ol bubble rolling around in my lower left abdomen - the exact spot where Baby Leonardo is camped out!

One of the reasons I believe I'm feeling the baby is because I've discovered that Baby Leonardo LOVES the shower! :) Every time I am in the shower a disco party of rolling bubbles jumps in to action in my baby belly. AND...wouldn't you know...it happens when I'm swimming in our pool too (could this be the first sign of an Olympic swimmer in the making?? :)).

It's either Baby Leonardo sharing some serious happiness with Mommy or I've got some serious gas issues triggered by exterior water! As much as that would amuse me :) I am pretty sure Baby Leonardo is already an excellent communicator with Mommy! :)

The Blog will be the first to know when I feel THE flutter but until then Baby and Mommy are having a grand old time communicating in bubbles!

"While You Were Cooking"

Dear Baby Leonardo,
Daddy and I have been saving many of the headlines over the last 4 1/2 months from most of the big news stories...we'll be doing that for the next 5 1/2 months too....just so we can keep adding to the pages in your scrapbook titled "While You Were Cooking"
This way you will be able to look back on the year you were swimming around in Mommy's belly and know what was happening out here. I already know you enjoyed the opening ceremonies of the Olympics because I think you were practicing your free style swimming that evening :) Someday soon you'll be able to see the pictures we've saved just for you.
PS. Family, if you see something you'd like to add to Baby Leonardo's "While You Were Cooking" save it and we'll be sure to add it to the collection.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Baby Leonardo's Menu

In the first three months Baby Leonardo wanted nothing but nectarines and potatoes (and quite frankly, wouldn't allow much else to stay down in Mommy anyways!).
Now that the sick days are over for Mommy (YEAH!) Baby Leonardo is clearly growing in to its Italian heritage and has been creating its favorite menu.
Favorites for this week:
Green or Macintosh apples with slices of sharp cheddar cheese (Mom, do you recognize that??)
Grandma Messmer's REAL spaghetti! (mouth watering as typing!)
Grapes, blueberries, MORE potatoes :)
Beef and bean burritos (just for Uncle Mark :))
Spinach salad with mandarin oranges, dried cherries, and cherry tomatoes
Whole milk (which Mommy has always hated up until now) with Kix cereal
Oh, and canned Spaghettios with meatballs....I have no clue! Mommy hasn't eaten these in at least 15 years and holy moly there are some days where she can't open the can fast enough! :)

And.....Baby is now hungry. Off to make Baby happy... :)

First Sonogram July 7, 2008

Despite reading our books and seeing all the pictures of our developing little sweet pea and what size it would be, etc., nothing really prepared us for the amazement of seeing the first sonogram come up on the screen...there, where the last time we saw just a little bubble with a heartbeat, this time instead, looking at us is a BABY!

And the most amazing part of all was the DANCING! Getting jiggy with it like no one was watching! :) Rolling, turning, and stretching those beautiful legs. Mommy can NOT believe you are growing there inside of me...and in an instant, I want to reach through that screen and hold you to tell you that I love you more then anything in the whole world!

Through all the tears the nice tech lady shows us fluid in the stomach - you're already swallowing! And fluid in the bladder - kidney and liver are working great! And your heartbeat is going a mile a minute - sounds like a gorgeous symphony to Mommy and Daddy's ears! We are SO VERY proud of you!

Daddy and I are practicing up on our dancing sweet pea so we'll be ready for you when you arrive!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Telling the Family!

In my family it's impossible to NOT tell everyone about important news (especially a VERY anxious "I want to be a Grandma" Munchkin). And the awesome news about our little sweet pea was that much harder! But we did it and it was worth the wait just to be able to see their reactions in person (and to have lots of time to make fun crafts for all the new grandparents, aunts, and uncles-to-be)! The pictures don't do justice to the chair-throwing, screaming/crying Munchkin and my brothers asking why an ultrasound is in their menus but the pics will be the perfect story-telling device when Baby Leonardo arrives.

A BIG thank you to the brave hostess at Logan's who smartly seated us away from other patrons and who played out my secret surprise plans perfectly!

Here's what the family saw in their menus:

Your First Grandbaby

January 2009

Can’t wait to meet you family!
Love, Baby Leonardo

And OOOOOOHHHH the surprise! :)

GLORIOUS! Had to be one of the best moments ever! I'm so glad we could be with our loved ones to share the great news!

We got to tell Sam's Mom a short time later using the same dessert menu at one of our favorite Italian restaurants. We can't thank everyone enough for all of their EXCITEMENT, LOVE, AND SUPPORT!

Studious Stanford

Stanford probably knew before Mommy...no wonder he was always sniffing my belly those first four weeks! But he still wasn't sure what the hell was going on - why is Mommy writing on her belly and why is Daddy smiling so much?? Am I going to get a treat, or what?

But Stanford is a smart pup and he's been reading up on babies - he's going to be a great Big Brother! :)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

First Picture of Baby Leonardo June 2 (almost 8 weeks)

Just a little bubble on my uterine wall but no words can describe what we felt seeing that little, amazing heartbeat working away! What a moment for mom and dad!!! We love you so much already!!