We're having a baby!!!

Most of you know by now, we're pregnant! This is a very exciting time for the two of us as we can't wait to start a family! As we count down the days (due in January) we thought we would extend our excitement to you by publishing this blog, which we hope will not only keep you up-to-speed with the progress of Melinda's belly but also act as an outlet for all of the stories that we are sure to experience as we come closer and closer to bringing little Leonardo into the world. Please share your excitement and/or advice by posting blogs of your own.

...here we go:)

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Benjamin Button is signing off for now...

Benjamin syas he can't wait to meet all of his family and friends someday soon!

First "Worldly" Events

In his first days of life not only did Benjamin get to see SNOW (a special treat for all of us in Raleigh!) but the new President addressed him directly during his inauguration speech :)

Welcome Home Benjamin!

We headed home from the hospital on Sunday to a big welcome from Grandma and Grandpa Messmer (thanks for the balloons and BIG blue sheet across the front porch!! :)).
Big brother Stanford was SO happy to meet his new brother!

And Mommy and Daddy couldn't wait to show you your nursery we worked so hard on (no need for that baby doll for practice anymore! :))

Thank goodness for all the help from Grandma and Grandpa...we couldn't do it without them!

Having our little one home makes everything complete...now for some sleep!

Meet Our Sweet Pea

As we wrap up this wonderful "belly blog" (considering the surprise inside my belly we've been watching for so long is finally here!) we thought we'd share some photos of the newest addition to the Leonardo family. He is our pride and joy (if you couldn't already tell!) and we are in complete and utter amazement that we could create something so perfect. This process, from start to finish has been a miracle to experience and we thank each of you for all of your prayers and love along the way. What fun we have had and what fun now lies ahead with our Benjamin...

Welcome little B!


Little did we know that less than 24 hours after Mommy's last post on January 6 we would meet our little sweet pea! Tuesday night was a wonderful evening of pizza, watching football, taking down the last Christmas ornaments, cuddling with Stanford, and ironically spending a few quiet moments together in the nursery talking about what was to come in less than a week.
Mommy woke at 5:56am on the 7th (Wednesday) thinking she had to go potty for the 45th time that night. But she knew something felt different the minute she got out of bed. She waited a few minutes just to be sure and then woke Daddy up with the news that "something is happening."
When she went downstairs to let Stanford outside her water broke (good thing she was on the porch!) and we knew you were really on your way. We tried to reach the doctor but then decided we needed to just get to the hospital when the contractions started coming more quickly. Mommy wasn't supposed to go in to labor but you gave her a wonderful surprise and she got to experience it all...minus the pushing of course!
Your Daddy helped Mommy the whole way even while she was in surgery; she was very lucky to have him! We can't describe to you how excited and nervous we were being wheeled down to the OR knowing that we were finally going to meet you after all this time. Daddy was all smiles.

And then at 12:29pm Dr. March pulled you out and held you up to introduce us to our new SON, Benjamin Elis Leonardo, all 8 lbs 2 oz and 20.5 inches of you! Mommy and Daddy couldn't stop crying and laughing for joy. What an amazing, unbelievable miracle you are! And even moments after you arrive (screaming that sounds like music to our ears!) we can't imagine when you weren't here with us! We've been waiting nearly 39 long weeks for you and WE LOVE YOU MORE THAN LIFE ITSELF! Welcome to the family our beautiful baby boy!