We're having a baby!!!

Most of you know by now, we're pregnant! This is a very exciting time for the two of us as we can't wait to start a family! As we count down the days (due in January) we thought we would extend our excitement to you by publishing this blog, which we hope will not only keep you up-to-speed with the progress of Melinda's belly but also act as an outlet for all of the stories that we are sure to experience as we come closer and closer to bringing little Leonardo into the world. Please share your excitement and/or advice by posting blogs of your own.

...here we go:)

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

One last project...

Dear Baby Leonardo,
HAPPY 2009!! Mommy and Daddy can't believe that 2009 is here! We have been talking about January 2009 for almost a year and it's finally here. We really can't believe it... (and Mommy is so thankful we made it past December for you to arrive!).
Daddy has been working hard to get everything just perfect for your arrival. He had one last project after the holidays...to assemble your pack and play. Who knew it would require serious contemplation and translation from everyone including your brother Stanford! :)
Your car seat is installed and approved! The nursery is complete and waiting for baby! And Daddy has mastered the serious technology that is your video monitor!
We are counting down the days until we get to meet you little one. Your Daddy is so excited that he talks to you every day and night and Mommy finds him in your nursery just day dreaming about when you will be here. Pretty soon you'll get to see just how amazing your Daddy is.
You are going to be the best part of our 2009 sweet pea!
We love you forever!!

Surprise for Mommy!

Dear Sweet Pea,
You will hear the stories someday about how you were the best gift I could receive for my big 3-0 birthday...but Daddy and Grandma Messmer went one step further and decided to surprise Mommy with a birthday party a little early :)
It was the perfect way to celebrate your 37 week birthday too!! :)

Mommy is glad you are the talk of the party because it takes the focus off how old she is! :)
Pretty soon we'll be celebrating your birth day.
Thank you to all of Mommy's sisters and brothers, Munchkin and Padre, and of course Daddy for the big surprise!

Beautiful Tree

Dear Sweet Pea,
Mommy thinks you can see the lights from our beautiful Christmas tree when we sit together in the dark and look at all the beautiful ornaments. But I thought I'd save you my favorite picture of the tree from this year so you can see where we had lots of special moments just a few weeks before you arrived.

I love you!


Christmas is Here!!!!

Our wonderful Messmer family came down to be with us this Christmas since Mommy and Baby can't travel anymore (they don't sell airline tickets to whales!). It was the absolute perfect holiday and we are so thankful for everyone!
It wouldn't be Christmas Eve at a Messmer Christmas without matching pajamas so I have to throw this picture in to be sure Baby Leonardo knows what's in store...

Big brother-to-be Stanford enjoyed playing Santa and opening his own gifts :)
Your next Christmas gift comes in just a couple of weeks....