We're having a baby!!!

Most of you know by now, we're pregnant! This is a very exciting time for the two of us as we can't wait to start a family! As we count down the days (due in January) we thought we would extend our excitement to you by publishing this blog, which we hope will not only keep you up-to-speed with the progress of Melinda's belly but also act as an outlet for all of the stories that we are sure to experience as we come closer and closer to bringing little Leonardo into the world. Please share your excitement and/or advice by posting blogs of your own.

...here we go:)

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Monday, December 15, 2008

Another Daddy Accomplishment!

Daddy is very proud to have made you your bouncing boppy chair little sweet pea! He's getting very good at putting all kinds of things together to be ready for you!
We can't wait to see you!!!! Only 4 more weeks and you'll be here! :) We love you!

Time to Decorate for Christmas

Not only are we getting ready for Baby but now it's time to get ready for our favorite time of year...Christmas! What a beautiful tree and Stanford is thrilled to help decorate. We're almost ready for the family to arrive :) Yeah Christmas!!!!

Our Babymoon :)

Daddy gave Mommy a wonderful surprise and took her on a Babymoon....our last little trip together before baby arrives. We visited the gorgeous Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC and got to enjoy the beautiful Christmas decorations and festivities. Lots of hot chocolate and perfectly adorable restaurants in the historic district of Asheville. It was a wonderfully relaxing weekend!! Thank you Daddy!!


Dear little sweet pea,
Your mommy and daddy just want you to know how much we love you and can't wait to meet you. This has been such an exciting adventure for us and as we watch you roll over, push your head up, kick your feet out, and do acrobatics in mommy's tummy we just can't get over how much pride we feel for who you are! One of the best days of our lives will be meeting you in just a couple of months. Know that when we rub mommy's belly and pat your little head (or bottom) that's always sticking up :) we are loving you more and more every day!
Mommy and Daddy (and Stanford too)

Just a little practice....

Sooo....Mommy and Daddy have read that you should "practice" with a baby doll around the dog so that they become accustomed to you holding something, talking and singing, etc. Since we DO this with our own dog (the holding and singing part) we figured it might be a good idea for him to see that we will be doing this soon with another little one. So Daddy bought a baby and Mommy captured him on camera teaching Big Brother Stanford how it's going to be come January. **Note Stanford's look of sheer confusion towards his mother behind the camera :).
We know you'll "understand" soon Babooshka and we know you'll be the best big brother ever!


Dear Baby,
The whole Leonardo family can't wait to meet you...especially your two sweet nieces Josephine and Eleanor. We had so much fun cooking, eating, playing at the park, eating some more :), and being with our wonderful family on Thanksgiving! Mommy can't hide you under her apron anymore :) and I know you smelled those artichoke hearts!

Daddy did a great job cutting his first turkey! We can't wait to celebrate one of our favorite holidays with our own little one this time next year. So much fun to show you and so many wonderful people to love you!!

Grandma Messmer is Comin' to Town!

Little one,
As if you didn't already know by the smells of Christmas cookies and spaghetti....Grandma Messmer is here to visit and make lots of yummy food for Mommy, Daddy, and Baby too. She is helping us get ready for all the fun we're going to have on Christmas. She can't wait to meet you!!
And thank you to Grandma for helping Mommy wash ALL of Baby's clothes and blankets and get even more done for the nursery. Those little socks were out favorites :)

Creating Baby's Nursery

Time to put all of our baby nursery imaginations to work! Daddy spent a LOT of time making the nursery just PERFECT for Baby! He painted, put up a chair railing, and hung curtains for Mommy - all under the watchful eye of Stanford. Daddy sure is wonderful!! Mommy tried to help with the curtains but Stanford was more interested in cuddling. Oh Stanford!

We'll show you the final product of Daddy's hard work a little later, little one. We know you'll love it! It is GORGEOUS and just waiting for our little sweet pea!

Halloween in the Leonardo Clan

Dear Baby,
Just think...next year Mommy and Daddy will be as excited to dress you up as we are to dress up your big brother Stanford! :) He was not only an Ewok for Halloween this year but then decided he would also spend half the night as a Notre Dame quarterback. Daddy was very proud!