We're having a baby!!!

Most of you know by now, we're pregnant! This is a very exciting time for the two of us as we can't wait to start a family! As we count down the days (due in January) we thought we would extend our excitement to you by publishing this blog, which we hope will not only keep you up-to-speed with the progress of Melinda's belly but also act as an outlet for all of the stories that we are sure to experience as we come closer and closer to bringing little Leonardo into the world. Please share your excitement and/or advice by posting blogs of your own.

...here we go:)

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Our Very Favorite Evenings

For Mommy and Daddy there is nothing more wonderful then a quiet evening, sitting with big brother-to-be Stanford, and feeling our little one dance around in Mommy's belly. Without a word you bring us true and utter happiness already; our little family of four!
Your Daddy loves you so much sweet pea and is always rubbing Mommy's baby belly, talking to you and telling you all kinds of stories. Your favorite bed time story so far is your new "Notre Dame First Words" book he reads to you at night. :)
We are so excited to meet you in 4.5 months. We love every little kick you send and we send hugs and kisses right back.

First Notre Dame Tailgate

Daddy didn't think it was quite authentic enough to just have you listening to the Notre Dame fight song on cd so he decided to take you to your very first ND football game (and tailgate of course!).

Mommy decked out the Baby Belly in her favorite ND football fashion (shamrock tattoos always :)) and Uncle Michael and Aunt Anne Marie got to share a burger (or two :)) with you while Daddy and Uncle Michael threw the football.

Mommy and Daddy know you're going to be a football fan because you kicked like crazy every time our team scored a touchdown! Or maybe it was Mommy's excitement in being only two feet away from the players on the field (thanks for the field level tickets Daddy! Always doing it up in style! :))

Mommy and Daddy prayed for you little one at the Grotto and got a special hug from Father Thomas who loves you already! We can't wait to show you this very special place someday soon!

Cheers, cheers for old Notre Dame!!!!

Two Weddings and a Hurricane

Baby Leonardo has now attended two weddings and lived through a hurricane :) He/she has loved the cake but not so much the heels (or maybe that's just Mommy talking :))

Uncle Marky's wedding in June when Sweet Pea was only 12 weeks old and Mom's friend Meredith's wedding down in Key West, FL when he/she was 20 weeks old.

Baby Leonardo loved the sounds of the wind and rain from Hurricane Gustav while we were in Key West (even though it was scary for mom and dad!)
Thank goodness we're back on dry land!